Terms and Conditions
Clients must accept the company’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Documents prior to booking courses and indicate this acceptance by ticking the appropriate box on the application form.
1. Parties
Perfect Paws in the Park is a limited company set up to provide training classes for pet dogs. (The Company)
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, references to The Company shall include its individual instructors and helpers.
The named person notified to The Company at the time the course booking is made and up to one other named person.
(The Clients)
2. The service we provide
Entry level classes cater for Puppies up to 8 months of age.
Adolescent dogs over 8 months.
Thereafter there are three levels of training:
Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.
Courses comprise 8 weekly sessions, each lasting 45 minutes. However, in extreme weather conditions it may be necessary to cancel a session if unsafe to train. Should it be necessary to cancel more than 1 week, we will add another session to the end of the course.
3. Our responsibilities
The Company is committed to providing instruction appropriate to the age and level of achievement of The Clients dogs, in a safe training environment.
If classes have to be rescheduled for any reason, e.g. inclement weather, instructor availability, damage to the venue etc., all Clients will be given as much notice as possible in the circumstances.
4. What we require of our Clients
For the safety of all class participants, Perfect Paws in the Park requires Clients to keep their dogs on a lead at all times unless given specific direction by an instructor to participate in a particular exercise with a dog off lead.
Clients are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs and disposing of any waste in an appropriate container.
It is recommended, as Clients are responsible for their own dogs at all times, that they ensure they have adequate insurance cover for liability in the event of their dogs causing damage to property or a third party.
We reserve the right to ask a Client to remove a dog from the class if it shows aggression. If you have any behavioural concerns about your dog, for example aggression or nervousness, you must alert us before booking them on a course and we will arrange an assessment of their suitability for our training classes.
All children should be supervised at all times and should not be allowed to approach dogs they do not know. All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
You must advise us in writing of any behavioural issues that have been exhibited by your dog both prior to commencing The Companys’ training sessions and any issues that may have arisen since commencement.
The Company will request, from time to time, that equipment is brought to sessions to enhance training. By way of example, this could be treats, toys or a mat. It is the responsibility of The Client to bring such equipment to sessions as requested.
5. Payment for our services
Courses are available to be booked in advance on The Companys’ website: www.perfectpawsinthepark.com with payment by bank transfer.
If a Client has no access to the internet, alternative arrangements for registration and payment may be agreed at the discretion of The Company.
6. Cancellation
If, after attending the first class, it becomes clear the training offered by The Company is not appropriate for The Client, then, following a discussion of other available options, The Client will be given a full refund of fees paid.
If any dog, at any time, is deemed by The Company as unsuitable for the training offered, then The Clients’ participation in the course will be terminated and the balance of any fees paid refunded.
7. Dog Welfare
Welfare and safety of all dogs is vital. Dogs in an unfit state of health due to illness, disease or injury cannot be brought to class.
Do not bring your dog to class if they have been in contact with any infectious disease, such as kennel cough or conjunctivitis.
If you are unsure as to whether your dog is well enough to attend, please contact your vet. If your dog is unable to attend you are encouraged to attend the class without your dog so you can maintain continuity of training.
Dogs should be adequately protected by vaccination as advised by your vet. Dogs are not permitted to join any class unless a copy of their vaccination record has been produced when booking a course.
Puppies can attend our classes from one week after their second vaccination has been administered by a vet and proof of this produced.
All dogs should be up to date with worm and flea treatment prior to attendance.
Female dogs in season are not permitted to attend a class. Please notify us if you think your bitch may come into season during a course. Refunds are not given but we will offer alternative arrangements, such as deferring to another course.
The Company employs positive, kind and reward based training. Harsh handling of dogs is entirely inappropriate and will not be tolerated in The Companys’ training sessions. The use of punitive methods, including lead jerking, shouting or smacking, is not permitted. Any Client using these methods during training sessions will be asked to leave immediately and any refund for classes missed as a result will be at the discretion of The Company.
8. Sickness
If a Client or dog is unable to attend a course or class because of sickness or injury, provision will be made for transfer to another course or class when recovered.
If recovery is delayed or the illness severe, rendering further participation in training impossible, refunds for classes not attended will be at the discretion of The Company.
9. Unforeseen circumstances
The Company will endeavour to fulfil its obligations to clients at all times but adjustments may have to be made to the agreed time or venue of courses due to unforeseen circumstances such as staff sickness, insufficient numbers booked, damage to fencing at the venue or even inclement weather.
The Company will inform you promptly of any such difficulty and explain what alternative arrangements are possible. If those arrangements are not suitable for you and no other solution can be found, the balance of your fees for classes not attended will be refunded.
It is The Clients responsibility to keep their contact details up to date. If The Company is unable to contact The Client due to their details being incorrect due to no fault of The Company, no refund for a class unattended will be given.
10. Liability
The Client remains responsible for their dogs at all times and are advised they have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by their dog to property or to a third party. The Company strongly advise that your dog is insured for third party liability.
The Company and its instructors will make all reasonable endeavours to run courses in a safe and professional manner at all times.
The Company has public liability insurance suitable for a dog training club. Any physical activity can have risks, however remote. Participation the training offered by The Company is entirely at the risk of The Client. Neither The Company, nor its individual instructors or helpers, nor the owners or landlords of our training venues, accept any responsibility, whatsoever, for any injuries or losses sustained. Handlers and/or owners remain responsible for their dogs at all times.
These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior discussions, representations, warranties and agreements of the parties, and express the entire agreement between The Company and The Client regarding matters described above.
The parties confirm that, except that which specifically written in these terms and conditions, no promises, representations or oral understandings have been made with regard to the dog or anything else. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the client acknowledges that The Company has not represented, promised, guaranteed or warranted that a dog will never bite, that a dog will not be dangerous or vicious on any future occasion, that the dog will not exhibit behavioural problems, or that the result of the training undertaken will result in lasting changes for any particular amount of time.
11. Consent For Photography/ Video/ Audio
The Company may from time to time use photographs, video recordings and /or audio captured at training classes and/or events organised by The Company. They will be used for the promotion of The Company and will be images/recordings of both dogs and/or their handlers.
The photography/ video/ audio could be used in print and digital media formats including (but not restricted to) print publications, websites ,e- marketing, posters, banners, advertising and social media.
If you DO NOT want any of the images/recordings in which you and/or the nominated handler for the dog appear to be used as particularised above , YOU MUST advise us by email immediately. If a handler is under 16 years of age, YOU MUST advise us immediately if you DO NOT want any of the images/ recordings in which they appear to be used as particularised above.
Further, if you are aware that The Company are capturing images/ recordings, please remind us at that time to avoid inadvertent capture and use of images/recordings.
If you become aware that images/ recordings are being used by The Company contrary to your preferences, please email The Company and we will arrange for these to be removed as soon as possible.
12. Right to make changes to Terms and Conditions
The Company reserves the right to make changes to its Terms and Conditions document. Clients are advised to check The Company website regularly for changes.
13. Applicable Law
Perfect Paws in the Park Ltd, its Terms and Conditions and Privacy Documents are subject to English law.